Ready or Not…It can Happen to Anyone!

Ask any IT company and they will tell you that they have a full disaster recovery plan in place to back up data and keep their storage safe. It makes sense right? There is a lot of information within those tiny little machines that everyone is so connected to these days. However, have you ever thought about how important it is to have a disaster recovery plan in place for your medical facility? Most doctors’ offices have rooms filled to the brim with files of patient information, but what happens if your office is flooded or damaged in a tornado? Can you rebuild with all that lost information? Disasters may not be as large as a hurricane or tornado; it can be something as simple as a power outage or down phone lines. Whatever the case may be, you need to be prepared for these misfortunes to last a long time, as they sometimes do. A good friend of mine is a funeral home manager in Phoenix, and once told me that their phone lines were out for three days straight. They typically have an after-hours service, but that staff is only able to handle evening phone calls. It was a struggle to make sure the lines were answered and the business kept moving forward during those three days, and it made them rethink their back-up plan. When your phone lines are ringing busy, your patients will feel frustration. No one wants to hear a busy line when they need to talk to a doctor. Therefore, it is very important to arrange a back-up answering service available at a moment’s notice to take over your phone calls in the case of a disaster, no matter how large or how small. Keeping a medical call center, such as Cosmopolitan Medical Communications, on standby is one key step in creating a disaster recovery plan. Switching over to a call center causes no interruptions in service and your patients will never even know there was a problem. A good medical call center will always be available to take calls when you need them the most. Contact Cosmopolitan Medical Communications to talk with us about setting up an answering service, and disaster recovery plan, for your practice or hospital. We’re ready to help you out with whatever service best suits your needs, and the needs of your current, and future, patients.
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